Leadership learning bites.

This last 10 months I have been working with a tribe. Working at the team level with Agile Team Facilitators, working with the PO’s, running workshops and coaching, and working with the tribe lead, coaching.

One of the practices I continued from my predecessor was sending out weekly learning bites. Little articles, videos, or questions that seemed relevant to the tribe at the time. This was sent to the PO’s and to the Tribe Lead.

Below are what I sent.

A good article on one on ones and making them effective.

I also have a template as attached that you might like to use with your teams. Created by Ammar Sagban.

A great link about feed forward, a different approach for feedback that is more constructive and future focused.  

Some of the videos that were played at the Product owner course I went on.  I found some of them very interesting especially the milkshake job one and peanut butter one.  

A good article about approaching team development with a coaching mindset as opposed to giving feedback. 

An article on WFH burnout.  Being able to manage your time buckets effectively https://hbr.org/amp/2020/04/3-tips-to-avoid-wfh-burnout

thought I would share this article on change and finding the joy in it.  https://www.impactgrouphr.com/insights/finding-joy-during-an-overwhelming-transition

  1. Find the heart and feeling connection to the change. 
  2. Let go of self judgement and self doubt, be compassionate to yourself as you grow. 
  3. Keep going (build those neural pathways)  and celebrate. 

For those of you looking at refining your teams missions, this article
might help.  It looks at a way of wording the mission to create
inspiration and be part of the reason your people get out of bed and
come to work.

HI Team,

As we start the new financial year and reflect on all that has been
achieved. I would also like to encourage you to spend some time
thinking about yourselves.

Here is a short little article with some prompts to think about going
into the next half of the year. If there are any learnings you have
noticed that you want to take some actions on, bring them along to the
coaching sessions we have and we can work through them together.


Spend Some Time With Yourself

July 1st marks the official halfway point of 2020. So this week is a
great time to spend some quiet moments in self-reflection. We want to
encourage you to give yourself an opportunity to grow and develop by
making the time and effort to refocus your mind on the positive
through introspection.

Pick at least 2 – 3 of the questions below to journal about.

Am I using my time wisely?
Am I reflecting upon all my blessings?
Am I employing a positive attitude?
Am I living true to myself and my values?
Am I putting enough effort into my relationships?
Am I taking care of my physical well-being?
Am I letting matters that are out of my control stress me out?
Am I clear about my priorities in life?
Am I achieving the goals that I’ve set for myself?
What should I do differently in the second half of 2020?

What is one thing you learned about yourself?  What do you want to do about it?

Best Regards,

Yuval Goren

Hi all, a podcast to share today. I loved the MVP example in this podcast. It really explained it well. 
Thanks Nicole 

Here is a nice quick article on different ways to visualise your backlog.



An article to reflect on what you have learnt during lockdown and what
you are going to take from those learnings going forward as we face
Level 1.

A great article here shared courtesy of Antoinette about the necessary tention between more traditional and contemporary leadership styles. 

Hi All, 
 A very quick read which  highlights simply the difference between information radiators and refrigerators.   To think about what information should be easily visible and which you expect people to go and look for.

Here is a booklet on remote working in teams, which might become very topical in the coming weeks. It’s 29 pages but you can skim the tips quite easily. 

Additional information from some other articles. – ensure people are setup with the right tools- switching from physical to virtual boards – the meetings become even more important to ensure collaboration and transparency.  Especially the daily standup.- listen more than usual.  You don’t have all the face to face non verbal cues available. – utilise timeboxes for your work to keep a sustainable pace and incorporate breaks. 

When your on conference calls and working remotely listening becomes
event more important as you no longer have the non verbal skills to
draw on so easily.

Here is an article that goes into more depth around listening styles,
At my conference on the weekend we talked about generative listing,
which is listening to understand and add on.  We did an exercise
around responding with “yes, and…” to whatever the other person
said.   It’s about co creating and not treating the conversation as a
tennis match.


A good article around video meeting tips and tricks, skim past the introduction 🙂 

Hi All,

With Working from home and all the family working from home I thought
I would share the pomodoro technique.  Its a good way to timebox and
focus on your work to get the most out of your brain’s ability to

Here is a quick 3min video on how to make meetings more effective.  taking in the 3 P’s of purpose,  What is the purpose of the meeting.   Process, what is the process we are going to apply to get the outcome we want and Payoff, what is the value to be created by this meeting.
For Example for the Standup: Purpose:- to inspect on the last 24 hours and plan for the next 24 hours as a team.- identify dependencies- get help in removing impediments. 
Process:  (ask 3 questions) – What did I do to help my team progress closer to achieving our sprint goal?- What will I do to help my team progress closer to achieving our sprint goal?- What is stopping me from helping my team to progress closer to achieving our sprint goal?and any other business
Payoff:- The value is in sharing knowledge between team members to cross skill and highlighting risks and issues early. 

Here is a short article on the importance of a purpose for a team. I thought this might be some food for thought with some of our squads dynamics changing.   – A clear and compelling purpose is the glue that binds together a group of individuals. It is the foundation on which the collective “we” of a real team is built.

For some learning and humour here is OKRs explained using Star Wars examples. 

We continue our “Leadership Learning Bite” series this week with an article from Jonny Schneider on how Design Thinking, Lean, and Agile work together and why all three are important for delivering great products.The article is only about a 3 minute read, however there are some really good statements and questions to ask of yourselves and squads so take your time to reflect on your own thinking as you read.https://www.mindtheproduct.com/understanding-design-thinking-lean-agile-work-together/

As we go on our agile journey together I thought it would be good to share some thought leadership to help us challenge each others thinking and develop us collectively as agile leaders. I’ll share a few items a week (videos, articles etc) which shouldn’t take more than an hour of your time per week. It would be great if we can all try to stay on top of them together so we can share our thoughts, talk about how things we have learnt apply in our context and challenge how we do things to continously improve. My first share talks about designing organisational structures for agility. Some good bites in there to help tell the story of the what and why for our teams.https://youtu.be/4mJV16zdBiA (18min watch).