Emerge Course 2017 – my notes part one.

The will to win, the desire to succeed……. Confucius

Everyday work harder on yourself than anything else, then you will be able to achieve and do more.

Write down your current goal each day and then write down all the ideas you have to solve it. – and solve it you will.

Finding the gaps
If your current life (life conditions) is = to your life story (blueprint) then you will be happy.
When your life conditions make it impossible to match your blueprint then you will suffer and you have two choice.
1- change your life – do something
2- change your blueprint (the story you tell yourself of how your life should be.)

The picture needs to meet your deepest needs when you meet your blueprint regularly you’ll create a new one. Discover what needs you must meet to live your most meaningful life.

Trust comes from common values and beliefs, someone who has your back will help you up when you fall, someone you will let look after your children. – Complete a values exercise to understand your values. What you like and what you don’t like.

Leadership reminds us why we are here, why we are doing what we are doing.

Complete a vision activity .
Visualise what your life could look like in 2-5 years. Write it all down. Next look at what actions you need to take in order to achieve these goals.

Self compassion = embracing yourself flaws and all.

Self Kindness – treat yourself with kindness, encouragement. Understand common humanity – we are all the same as everyone else – imperfect humans.

Mindfulness – being with what is in the present moment.

Values and Beliefs activity.
Write down all the things you believe to be true.
look at all the ones that have “should” in them and really questions why that is the case. – who is directing this belief?
Think about what you want to be remembered for?
What is important to you?
Values help us make decisions and make sense of the world.

We judge ourselves by our intentions – we judge others by their behaviours – be aware of this bias.

Be open to others values – learn what makes them tick – person maps are a good activities to help you understand this.
We have the key to freedom and peace within us.

6 human needs
– Growth
– Contribution
– Love / Connection
– Significance
– Variation
– Certainty.

of these 3 and 4 are needy / dependant. And 1& 2 are where we are accepting and independent. Learning to achieve our goals and seek to be flexible and change.
Variation puts us in uncomfortable situations to attract variety and certainty can have us wanting to procrastinate or control other people.

4 Classes of behaviour
– habits we partake in.
– actions you take
– emotions you experience
– the addictions you indulge in on a daily basis.

Class four behaviours are typically short / long term pain or self sabotaging behaviour.
– they don’t feel good.
– they are not good for you
– is not good for others
– does not serve the greater good.
e.g feel you have to respond at all hours of the day. High expectations about your own performance.

Class three behaviours are typically catergorised by short term pleasure that often results in long term pain self sabotaging behaviours.
– feels good
– is not good for you
– is not good long term
e.g saying yes to something you have no time for, gossip, promise but don’t deliver.

Crazy 8 cycle.

STOP giving it 5 start service.
instead of I am angry, just say it’s anger and let it pass.
Face it and let it go in a positive way.

Class two behaviours are characterised by short term pain leading to long term pleasure.
– Don’t feel good.
– good for you
-good for others
– servers the greater good.
e.g working out each day, developing a new staff member.
not easy to do, needs courage.

Class one behaviours. Are characterised by actions that lead to both short and long term pleasure.
– feels good.
– are good for you and others
– servers the greater good.
e.g helping others needing support
creating and implementing new ideas.

Try to make decisions that lead to class one or two behaviours. – be conscious of your decisions.

Thinking about your greater purpose / vision.

WHAT – When thinking about your vision – think about what does the world look like when you are done with it. One way of doing this is write your obituary – what would it say, or think of someone you would give advice to, write them a letter, then read it, – this is for you and what you do for the world.

WHO – Think about who you are doing your work for? Who are you in service to.

VALUE – think about Why me? What makes you so uniquely qualified to provide this service to people?

You can frame it by filling in the following template.
Because I am naturally good at / interested in …………
I am uniquely qualified to be someone who ………….
for people to………….
This is the value I can offer you and your company
This is what I believe in.
This is who I am
This is what I offer (value)

It is very useful to know what your greater purpose is, it helps to define what is important to you in what you focus your time and energy on.

It can also be handy to understand what others needs or values are and this can be achieved by asking questions like.
Why do you do this?
What matters most to you?
How do you know?

You can guess their needs from this list of core human needs.

– love / affection / approval

– certainty

– adventure

– growth

– contribution

– significance.

And then when you are going for a job look at how you fit the company and job.
Connect to the why of the customer objectives
I am here to help …………….
Your vision and who you serve.
Why you exist and why you care.

Have stories ready to share for your super power and greater purpose. Describe how your value satisfies their need.

Notes from 4 hour work week book.

My notes from this book are written on a a piece of paper a little bigger than a post it.

It’s based on Agile thinking and has 5 lessons.

1- Question the status quo. Don’t settle.

2- Go back and make it work – try different approaches, don’t give up at the first failure, test new approaches.

3 – remove conformity and bureaucracy – encourage participatory decision making.

4 – Accept failure as a cost of doing business. Use failure as a learning and motivational device.

Believe you can do anything. Be Optimistic and Bold. Improvise and seek a variety of funding sources.

Focus on MVP!

Creating a facilitated training program

I have been working on creating workshops to upskill my team members. As part of the process I have identified that there is often a larger domain knowledge area that we are addressing and I can then look to create a guided training program for them out of the workshop.

My aim is to create training blocks that I can then pick and mix and tailor to my teams needs. in creating the first one I worked out I need a framework of sorts to follow to ensure I am covering off all I want to include. Specifically training from the back of the room concepts.

Here is my first framework.

Start by populating the left hand side.
– what is the purpose of this training.
– Who are the people you are doing this for?
– What inputs are you building on? – what is the exisiting artefacts, training, etc that feed into what you are creating?
– What is the learning outcomes you want out of this training?

Then from the learning outcomes, come up with some themes for each of the blocks of workshops.
e.g context, metrics, etc.
at this point you will be brainstorming all the content ideas you have that will fulfil the learning outcomes and the themes.

Then finalise your learning outcomes for each learning block so that you can summarise it and reflect back on it after each block.

Finally and this is the longest part – take each content block and break it out into a session agenda using the back of the room training concepts. Map out each of the activities and their timeframes, any additional media, other artefacts you will use.

Dream Journaling questions.

Personal overview

  1. How do you fell about your LIFE to date? Do you need to forgive anyone, including yourself? List
  2. What has been your OVERALL GOAL?
  3. What have you done about your goals?
  4. How do you feel about your JOB?
  5. How do you feel about your BODY?
  6. How do you feel about your HOME?
  7. How do you feel about your SPIRITUAL LIFE?
  8. What new goals or challenges do you need to make in each category?

Starting Point

  • Write a brief review of what has happened to you from early childhood till now to serve as a reference point.
  • When finished, write a brief summary in your dream journal as a point of reference for dream questions.
  • List your new goals, possibly in red ink, as reminders.

Stress Causes

  1. Our expectations of others: it is our expectations of others which cause us pain.
  2. Other people’s expectations of us: break free of their goals and create your own.
  3. Our expectations of ourselves: Set reasonable reachable goals and enjoy success.

Suggested points to review for Journaling

  1. PRESENT GOALS repeated briefly to remind you what you want to do.
  2. OVERALL PATTERN of events this week or month
  3. HAPPENINGS of the day, recurring patterns
  4. ACTION/REACTION to events and people
  5. FEELINGS: how do you feel about this?
  6. Were actions IN LINE with goals?
  7. What seems to be my MAIN CHALLENGE or lesson to learn? Anything that repeats itself is pointing out an area that needs to be confronted and worked through.
  8. What are my DREAMS telling me about this?
  9. What have I done about my GOALS today? Be sure to compliment yourself for every success or improvement.
  10. What CHANGES, improvements do I need to make?

Tips when going Flatting

I created this checklist when I was looking for flats when I was younger. Posting it here for safe keeping and maybe my daughter might need it one day.

When looking for flats

  • Check that bathroom and Kitchen is clean
  • Check that curtain and wallpaper don’t have lots of mould on them as that means the house is prone to it and will be horrible to live in later on.
  • Check that you have bins for recycling and rubbish and what day collection is.
  • Check all the lights work, note how many light bulbs you need and type.
  • Check a fridge, washing machine etc fits in the gaps provided and bed etc.
  • Check toilet flushes.
  • Check windows are all fine and inside of wardrobes, no illegal drug compartment etc, mould or cracks or damage.
  • Check what the landlord will pay for and do, eg, will they mow the lawns, pay the water.
  • Check that sinks have plugs and shower has door or shower curtain. (Do you need to get a shower curtain)
  • That bedrooms have wardrobes. – (do you need extra drawers etc)
  • Get landlords number and availability hours, eg to fix things in an emergency, house floods.
  • Check carpet for water marks, eg leaky roof or pipes or the water tank leaks.
  • Check pipes under sink, water cylinder for rust. Check you have hot water as well as cold water.
  • Check land lords policy on rent increases, notice for leaving, being kicked out, complaints etc.
  • Check what pets are allowed, or if pets allowed.
  • Check where phone lines are and if phone will be there, also where aerials are, fibre?.

Things you will need

  • Kitchen
  • Fridge, washing up liquid, cloths, cutlery set, crockery set, at least 2 sauce pans, at least 1 fry pan, potato masher, spatular, wooden spoon, serving spoon, kettle, toaster, glad wrap and tinfoil, scrubbing brush for dishes and 1 for bathroom, paper towels, fly spray. Kitchen cleaner, tea towel, grater and peeler, tin opener, chopping board, cups and glasses. (Airfryer and blender also a bonus)
  • Bathroom
  • Toilet paper, soap, toothpaste & toothbrushes, toilet cleaner and shower cleaner, shampoo and conditioner, shavers, liquid cleanser, spray and wipe (multi – purpose), handy andy or ajax floor stuff.
  • Laundry
  • Laundry liquid, bucket, mop, dust pan and bush, bleach, broom, duster, rubbish bags, plastic bags, napi san, rubbish stickers
  • Cupboards
  • All your perishables food items.
  • Other stuff
  • Ironing board, iron, vacuum cleaner, Tupperware, mixing bowls, writing paper and pens