
We have taken the next step, We are now small business owners. My husband and I. We have our own company Consulting with Agile coaching and training.

It has been a change of mindset. Going from a stable job where you do whatever is required to a time fixed opportunity where you deliver to what was set out in the engagement.

As such I have created an engagement canvas to work through when starting the engagement. I have been fortunate that my client knew what they wanted. My husband has not been so lucky and we have learnt a lot about that along the way. The importance of being on the same page when you start. Having clear role and expectations and clarity to know when we are no longer a good match.

My Template is working very well for gaining clarity in the beginning. The experiments part is something I am still working on. this part doesn’t really fit for at this stage. So I wonder if there is something else that I can put in that place to make it more effective. The experiments I run using the experiment card template and as I learn more about what is required.

Seasons of Life.

As we move from Summer into Autumn, we see the changes to nature that happen in the changing of the season. In the past when we were more tied to the land the nature we would have done things differently as the seasons changed. It feels like we have lost this, in the way the world is now. in the way that we can get anything we want anytime we want. We no longer look to support ourselves and nurture our selves based on the season we are in.

Some things to consider as we change seasons and the season of life we are in.

Winter – can be described as when times are challenging, yet you need to operate at your best and maintain.

Spring – There are new beginnings, think about the future and your goals and Plan

Summer – Time to enjoy the bounty of your life and achieve

Autumn – Time to put your harvest away, change to new level and prepare for winter. cementing the habit

I have described each season with a theme of Maintain, Plan, Achieve or cement in the habit.

For me I feel I am in multiple seasons based on different aspects of my life.

In a few relationships it feels like winter, in others like summer.

In Home and work it feels like summer and I also feel the turning of the leaves on the trees, I am aware of the time passing, that this is the time to really nurture my career so that I can ensure a bountiful harvest and secure our winter seasons.

In my fitness I am in autumn, trying to cement in the habit and get the payoff.

In my spirituality I feel like I am in spring, still grasping what it means for me and how that looks going forward.

What season of life are you in? What is the theme? How can you take the season and theme into your day to day life and use it.