Mastering your mindset

Another course with Gail from leaders edge. What I love about this course is the actionable steps introduced to help calm emotions and create a habit to support calmness and positive emotions.

Positive emotions open our minds, think of something positive before you start doing challenging tasks. Hold the thought for 12 seconds to put it into long term memory. Below is a diagram that shows how we react in each level as we move from I to WE.

In level 1 – it is all about I, people are resistors, have low trust and are out to protect themselves, they have low listening and if anything are listening to respond or react.

In Level 2, we are listening to learn more. We are in a wait and see state and have conditional trust, we want to know based on your behaviours if we can trust you and if we can listen to you. We are inquiring.

At level 3 we have high trust, it is about co – creation together. We share and discover and listen to partner and achieve together.

To notice and ease feelings follow these steps.

  • Notice and admit what you are feeling.
  • Try to name the feeling.
  • Focus on the heart and tell yourself to EASE.
  • Focus attention on the area around your heart, the area in the centre of your chest. Breathe a little more deeply than normal and feel your breathe in your heart areas. Continue until you find a natural inner rhythm.

Changing your beliefs, the concepts we hold true and any of those times when we hear ourselves say we should.

  • Become aware of your thoughts.
  • Is it true, all of the time, is it fact or interpretation, can someone else see if differently.
  • How do you feel when you think this.
  • What would you feel, how would things be different if you didn’t hold this belief?
  • What would be a more useful belief in this situation?
  • What might change if you held the new belief.

A quick coherence technique

  • Focus your attention on the area around your heart.
  • Breathe a little more deeply than normal and feel as if your breath is coming in and out through your heart area.
  • Activate a positive feeling like appreciation for the good in your life, the love you feel for someone, a place or a pet. Recall a positive moment associated with person, pet, place and re-experience the feeling right now.
  • Keep breathing through your heart area.
  • Practice 5 mins a day, 6 days a week and 10mins a day on the last day.

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