Management 3.0 summary notes

Management 1.0 was top down. Very hierarchical

Management 2.0 was TQM, theory on constraints and six sigma. Essentially management 1.0 with some add ons

Management 3.0 is a model for agile management which applies complexity thinking.

Complexity thinking is about treating our organisation as a system and was popularised by Peter senges book the fifth discipline.

There are 7 views

  1. Understand how things influence each other within a whole. It’s a problem solving mindset, including cause and effect, cynefin/ Stacey model and guidelines
  2. Know who you and your team are and what they stand for. What motivates them, intrinsic motivation is best. Connecting people in diversity is one of the best predictors of competence and performance in a team. Team values can be picked to reflect the attitude the team needs most.
  3. Energising people happens by allowing them to participate in Innovative organisations. The 5 cogs of innovation are needed to energise knowledge workers and produce innovative practices.
  4. There is a clear advantage in delegation of control, our bodies are a great example of this. We use everyone’s skills and knowledge to control the system and empowerment is necessary to increase control over our work and team performance. 4 types of trust. Your team, each other and yourself and getting team trust back. Give people a shared goal with OKRs. Communicate your goal and create boundaries of authority. Vision is what the organisation wants to be. Mission is the purpose
  5. seven approaches to competence development. Self coach, test, tools, peers, supervision, manager. Rate yourself by skill not knowledge or experience. Delivery vrs being. To know how we perform we need to measure.
  6. Watch team boundaries so people identify with the team, turn teams into value units as these are most adaptable Communication is the driving principle. – who needs each other the most. Look to improve the organisations adaptability so can change often. Functional teams have similar functions. X functional teams have similar business
  7. 3 approaches to continuous improvement. Adaption. Exploration. And anticipation. Experiment by changing individual practices, mixing best practices and learnings from others.

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