Belief work questions.

Some questions to help with challenging my beliefs.

  • What is enough for me to live the life I deserve?
  • What needs to shift for me to be comfortable with what I have?
  • Where am I choosing more and will this realistically make my life better?
  • How do I thrive in addition to surviving?

Action – List all the beliefs that empower me.

  • How does this really empower me?
  • How does it strengthen my life?

Action – List all beliefs to be questioned as they disempower / limit me?

  • What are the consequences?
  • What will this cost me if I don’t change?
  • How is this belief absurd?

Action – write down replacement beliefs.

Awareness of self activities

I am creating a training programme for new coaches. In addition to the basics like, mindset, fundamentals, scrum, Kanban, tools, etc. I am adding a Self mastery theme through out. Here is the first module activities. The last activity has reference to some activities from positive psychology.

Home Edit notes.

I have been enjoying watching the Netflix show Home edit. I love the way they organise for functionality and pretty. It’s inspiring to see and go through the process.

From the show and their book I have the following notes.

When you buy something always ask – where will it live?

Determine your priorities and goals for a space.

  • Start with why – what’s your motivation to setup an achievable plan in line with your goals.
  • Consider who – who will use the space. Who will be part of keeping it organised. It is a me or we problem.
  • Keep tweaking the system till it works.


  • Do you like it (does it bring joy)
  • Do you need it
  • Do you find it sentimental
  • Embrace the reality of your life situation (e.g kids)
  • Be thoughtful about what you do own and live within your boundaries.
  • Keep no more than 80% full so you have 20% breathing room.
  • Revisit and edit spaces twice a year.

Group like items

  • Consider the flow of the space and align with goals.
  • Create zones.
  • Look to contain the entire category, keep like items together.
  • Create a logical flow – e.g day to night.
  • Consider who will use the space and how you will use each zone.
  • Determine what the category means to you.

Contain everything. (so you know when you exceed the space)

  • What do you have in back stock.
  • Keep heavy items on lower shelf’s
  • Setup a daily drawer
  • Create zones.
  • Put everything you need for that category / goal together from start to finish e.g workout space = towel and water at end.

Make pretty

  • Create a focal point using a canister or pretty jar.
  • Use uneven number of containers e.g 3 or 5
  • Create a tea station, a snack bar, a charging station (look at cord ties) , a yoga, exercise station, include bins and lazy Susan.
  • Leave space and make it easy.
  • group colours together so it looks pretty to the eye. E.g a rainbow.

Working with another coach.

Many in house coaches are either left entirely alone or have co coaches that they work with. Especially in the larger tribes that have 15-30 squads in them.

In order to help with onboarding and getting up to high performing as coaches we need to be on the same page, we need to create a sense of trust between us and that comes from understanding and clarity.

Here are 30 questions to go through when you are trying to design your ways of working as co-coaches or buddy coaches.

Living intentionally

I’m caught in the day to day hamster wheel of life. Each day seems to tread into the other. I know I am moving forward but I can’t tell you how or where I’m headed. I can’t tell you my goal or focus for this quarter alone year or month.

I have done courses. I have the tools. Yet the practice has not stuck. Life keeps taking over.

My latest success. (It’s been going for 3 months now) is my bullet journal. I think this might actually be it. I love that I can adapt it, that it’s not stuck in a set format. That I can be creative with it. That I have a central reference place for all those random notes and information I collect.

I even have a page dedicated to living intentionally. I just haven’t managed to put it all together.

I am still collating information. Loads of it and now there is so much I don’t know where to start to start my filtering process. I have yet to find the strategy for going through. The flow through the information.

I believe it starts with understanding yourself. You need to understand yourself first. Yet that is such a big thing when you really get into it.

Do you even know yourself? How can I be sure that what I think my purpose is , really is it.

I guess it all comes down to giving something a try and tweaking it as I learn more.

As I finish off my first bullet journal (3 months). I want to start being more intentional about the week, month quarter. I want to start being clear in my goals and how I am loving towards them and incorporating my values.

I want to learn more about me and how I can be my best me.