Will it work or won’t it.

We have setup a desk on one side of my daughters double wardrobe. It looks great. However I am not sure that it is going to work. I had suggested she look for a stool as opposed to a chair, I figure a stool would be easier to tuck in under the desk and allow for sliding the wardrobe doors.

We have gone for a chair.

the steps to Close the wardrobe and access her clothes on the other side is.

  • pick up chair
  • tuck the chair under the desk
  • slide the wardrobe doors over.
  • open the drawers for the clothes you want.

I personally think this is too many steps. But we will see how it goes.

I was encouraged that she used her desk as soon as we set it up.

Communicating energy / resilience levels.

How many buckets, cups or spoons full of energy do you have in a day.

We have decided it is 12 buckets.

Now we can think about an activity and say how many buckets / cups or spoons of energy it is going to use up. We can ask how many buckets someone has left and put in place activities to help them recharge.

For example.

  • music
  • getting out for a walk
  • watching TV
  • ice skating.

33 ADHD organisation and planning tips

  1. Create routines
  2. Incorporate routines in your Daily plan
  3. Make everything visible on a monthly planner
  4. Setup specific spaces for activities
  5. Use colours and prompts
  6. Make it obvious when something is not in it’s place
  7. Use clear containers
  8. Label everything.
  9. Make the process efficient – not perfect but good enough.
  10. Ensure your stuff is contained (not overflowing the storage space)
  11. Every item should be stored where it is used.
  12. Make things easier to access and easier to put away
  13. Arrange things by zones. e.g sleep, workspace, getting ready
  14. the setup needs to be sustainable and low maintenance.
  15. purge and only keep what you use or gives you joy.
  16. when planning break down tasks.
  17. When making decisions – consider pros and cons
  18. Plan in down time.
  19. Schedule in regular breaks and do fun things.
  20. Consider a next day prep space with a checklist and alarm.
  21. Use Alexa or Siri
  22. Have a feelings chart on the door and rate the situation. e.g energetic (let’s get moving), happy, zoning out (leave me be) , Sad, Annoyed, Upset, Intolerable.
  23. use the one in one out rule
  24. or the 30 day rule – if not used in 30 days get rid of it.
  25. Keep your to do list to a post it note – max 5 items.
  26. Don’t bother keeping receipts – let the store add to your account and manage it.
  27. Make bill paying automatic.
  28. Set time limits on apps
  29. Reorg your phone so the main screen has the primary apps to help you complete tasks and apps you regularly use. The second screen has the aspiration apps the ones you want to spend time on, e.g books, meditation etc. 3rd screen is slot machine – those apps that when you open you get lost in. e.g pinterest.
  30. when managing emails – don’t bother sorting, just use the unread filter.
  31. Ask yourself what you want to make time for and schedule that in.
  32. Create a day for admin/ office work.
  33. User your calendar as your to do list – schedule your tasks.

A quick checklist when working through organising a room

  • Purge ruthlessly – keep only what you really need.
  • Group like items together and contain them – give everything a home by keeping categories broad.
  • Determine space uses. What do you do where?
  • Reduce the steps – simplify and be practical.
  • Store by frequency of use (use clear baskets or hooks etc)
  • Time tasks to be less than 5 mins to complete.
  • Setup systems to support your routine. – e.g planner calendar, sunday basket, phone remiders.