A checklist for coaching remote teams.

Work through this checklist to ensure you are creating the best environment to support you and your remote teams.

  • Ensure All team members have access to correct tools and equipment.
  • Document your Team norms / etiquette
  • Define your working hours / understand when to have certain types of interactions (e.g social hour / deep work time)
  • Communicate and have Clear goals – transparency of expectations or work.
  • Utilise Buddies to check in and bounce ideas off. The three amigos.
  • Brainstorm creative ways to get feedback – transparency and engagement with customer.
  • Define your process for high priority work and escalations.
  • Visibility of challenges/ risks/ impediments/ dependencies.
  • Build on team culture – Assuming positive intent.
  • Allow time for deep dives.
  • Be proactive in managing problems and requests – Don’t wait for people to ask/ complain.
  • Lower the bar to entry for customer engagement.
  • Establish a process for document sharing and file storage.
  • Listen more as don’t have the non verbal cues.
  • Pace yourself and take breaks.
  • Work out a way to separate work from home.
  • Keep in mind velocity and cycle time will change.
  • Allow for water cooler chats.
  • Consider timezones.

Strategic planning Which one and why?

I recently completed a course on change management, as part of the course it highlighted the need to understand what strategic planning method to use based on the environment you were in.

Therefore I mapped the strategic planning approaches to the Cynefin framework.

The lighter boxes show the steps to take for each of the strategic planning approaches. (dark blue boxes) within the Cynefin domain (black text)

I believe this will be most useful when working with projects and when engaging with a new team to understand their environment and what planning method will best suit them.