Perimenopause Surviving to thriving

I don’t know how far along on my perimenopause journey I am, thinkgs are chaotic and unpredictable and in some respects getting better and others I think I have just adapted.

I came to a realisation the other day, that pulled together ideas from various sources I had been hearing for a while.

On The Tony Robbins Podcast with Mo Gawdat – the idea of choosing happy and also the reiteration that events are neutral and it’s only our thoughts that make it otherwise and cause us grief.

From a vision board –

and I can’t remember where I heard the last one, but it’s about positioning yourself to weather the storms. I think it was actually a financial podcast. I believe it applied equally to emotional storms as well.

So here are my 3 keys to thriving in perimenopause.

Reset your expectation

  • yes you had a shitty sleep and your tired, so don’t expect to be highly productive today.
  • yes you are hot at random times, so dress in layers that you can strip off and take wipes and deoderant.
  • yes you are emotional and irrational, so don’t make big decisions then and use exercise to pump up the good hormones.
  • yes you forget things that you know you know, so utilise the second brain, your phone, notepads, calendar, setup routines.
  • yes your joints hurt and your skin itches, so moisterise and do easy stretches.

Choose happy – get rid of the things that are making your unhappy and choose happy instead. Life is too short to be unhappy and when you look there is a lot to be happy about. – write down all the things that feed your soul and make you happy and aim to do one everyday.

Position yourself to weather the storms.

Set yourself up for success by putting in place strategies and routines to lift you up and build your resilience so that when a storm hits you have reserves to pull on or strategies in place to deal with it. Much like an emergency fund helps in the emergency time. What can you do to build up your emotional resilience so when the storm hits you are ready to tackle it? What needs to be in your emergency bag?

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